Sunday, June 13, 2010

Final model images

top view

street view

building front view

building entrance

main gallery section showing the staircase leading to the second level

section showing store room, lounge room and cafe courtyard.

corridor from cafe, showing the glass elevator.

workshop staircase leading up to the lounge room of the apartment.

section looking north

view from first floor balcony

rear of the building facing west

roof top outdoor cinema

cafe and courtyard

Final Design







Third design

Roof as a cinema
The roof of the building is to be a place where people can sit and watch the either an audio visual display, movies or just watch the everyday passer by.

cocoon, spiral ramp, evolution.

Light inspiration

Foyer Scottish Parliament Building, Architect Enric Miralles

Kimble Art Museum, Louis Khan

Art Gallery of New South Wales, Andrew Anderson, (PTW , Architects)

Art Gallery Ballarat, Andrew Anderson, (PTW , Architects)

Peter Zumthors Vlas thermal baths. specific rooms have been designed to evoke the senses where one room is illuminated with warm light reflecting that of the warmer water temperature.


  • The first sense that human beings obtain is the sense of hearing which works whilst the unborn child is still in the womb.
  • The design of the building has a waterfall at the entrance to evoke the sense of hearing. The waterfall is also suggestive of a pregnant woman's water braking before giving birth to a child, hence the entrance into the gallery is suggestive of birth.
  • The second sense that a newly born child obtains is the sense of touch.
  • The sense of touch is evoked in the porosity of the building materials used, such as concrete. The ground floor and first floor display Bruce Grays Sculptural 2D and 3D artworks, once again evoking the sense of touch.
  • The third and fourth sense that begins to evolve is the sense of smell and taste. The newborn baby smells for its mothers breast in order to feed.
  • The sense of smell is evoked in the building as the coffee shop is on the second floor where coffee aromas flood into the art gallery enticing people to continue upstairs where they can enjoy and taste of coffee and cakes in the cafe.
  • The fifth sense that a newborn obtains is the sense of sight.
  • The sense of sight is evoked in the outdoor cinema that is located on the roof of the building.

birds eye view of building

building front, with pool to the right.

ground floor, main gallery space

ground floor 2nd gallery space

first floor gallery space

second floor looking down

Third concept plans

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Second Design


Ground floor, showing the gallery space

First floor, showing the curved gallery space.

Second floor, showing the voids

iew from top with roof at the front

concept 2 drawings and sections refined.

concept 2 draft design on tracing paper.

experimentation with folding and unfolding.

Rem Koolhaas, Jussieu Libraries. fold, unfold, evolution.

Endo Shuhei, Shiga Japan, fold and unfolding architecture.

fold and unfold in architecture

fold and unfold, design based on a shell.