Sunday, May 9, 2010



Final presentation

the site location is in the north of Holland, located on a small island representing "exile". The building has been specifically placed in accordance with the seasonal movement of the sun. The entrance of the building is on the east (beginning) and exit is on the west to symbolizing the end. this provides maximum sun for the central room.

Parti circulation is referenced to the sound wave. Parti program also refers to the sound wave but in sections. A sound wave is broken up into three components, attack, sustain, release.

Attack: when a sense is evoked bringing back a memory. This room is a room for curing fish, but the smells of a perfume, contradicting what the eye sees to what the nose smells.

Sustain: the remembering of a particular event (dream). This room is bathed in warm light but its temperature is at zero.
Release: the motion of leaving a dream back to reality. This room is covered with what looks like a hard material but is actually soft to touch.


USS Arizona Memorial

Architect:Alfred Presi, Pearl Harbor, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 1962.

the memorial is a transitional space with three main parts: a entrance, assembly room and shrine. Arizona Memorial

Decosterd and Rham

Physiological Garden. La Neuvevelle, Switzerland, 2000

Garden: all five senses send signals (waves) to the brain. The brain is the central hub for interpenetrating messages from the senses.



  • noise travels in vibrations(soundwaves)
  • the vibrations are captured by the ear canal then moved to the middle of the ear hitting the ear drum
  • the message is sent to the brain via the auditory nerve


  • the tongues taste buds recognize four basic types of taste, sweet, salty, sour and bitter.
  • the taste buds receptors cells send the message through the sensory nerves to the brain.
  • the brain tells you what flavors you are eating.

  • sense of touch is found all over the body and found under the skin called dermis
  • dermis is filled with tiny nerve endings that send information via the spinal chord to the brain
  • nerve endings in your skin tell if something is hot or cold, the most common receptors are, heat ,cold, pain and pressure.

  • we smell tiny things called odor particles
  • The nose is a cave used to smell, moisten and filter the air we breath
  • Olfactory bulb is where the smells are recognized then sent to the brain
  • the brain interprets the smell from sweet to moldy smelling
  • smell is connected to memory


  • sense of sight is the most complex of the five senses.
  • light passes through the pupil and muscle called the iris makes the pupil change depending on the amount of light.
  • the image is the transferred to the retina, but upside down.
  • the image is sent to the brain via optic nerve.

Maurice Merleau- Ponty

The Visible and the Invisible, North western University Studies in Phenomenological and External Philosophies, 1968.

"One can say that we perceive the things themselves, that we are the world that thinks itself- or that the world is at the heart of our flesh. In any case, once a body world relationship is recognized, the is a ramification of my body and a ramification of the world and a correspondence between its inside and my outside, between my inside and its outside."p136

Juhani Pallasmaa,
An Architecture of the Seven Senses

"Highest sense is vision down to the lowest sense touch."p29

"The space traced by the ear becomes a cavity sculptured in the interior of the mind".p 30

"The shift from oral to written speech is essentially is a shift from sound to visual space." p30

"Sight makes us solitary, whereas hearing creates a sense of connection and solidarity."p31

"The strongest memory of space is often odor, a particular smell may make us secretly re enter a space that has been completely erased from our retinal memory; the nostrils project a forgotten image and we are enticed to enter a vivid day dream."p32

"All experience implies the act of recollecting, remembering, and comparing. An embodied memory has an essential role as the basis of remembering a space or place. "p37

A dream like exile in a wedged garden of contradicting senses.

Words that describe the painting.

listen ,
beginning and endings,
silvery light, enlightenment
peripheral vision,
memory recollection.

Painting Parti Sketches

Parti doors, beginning and end
Parti window, light
Parti geometry, directional
Parti light and dark, open and closed, real or fake

In the painting of "a man directing a woman with a letter" the prominent figure is the woman. This is noticed where the light is directed onto her signifying her importance. The letter is read to her by a young man (postman) who has gracefully taken off his hat whilst reading. The letter is of importance that even the dog has turned around to listen. by looking at the windows and building location, it suggests that the woman could be married to a wealthy sea merchant. the letter could be a poem from her husband who is at sea and she is awaiting his return, hence the empty chair and the door being open.

On another level, the painting could portray her imagination, as she sits in her chair with her body bathed in a chilly shimmer of silvery light, whilst listening to what is being said in the letter. Referring to " An Architecture of the seven senses" where it is stated that " deep darkness and shadows are essential as they dim the sharpness of vision and invite unconscious peripheral vision". The atmosphere and the darkness of the room itself could suggest what she is thinking, the little girl is a representation of what she feels like and the canal is the division between her and her husband, the fishing rod could suggest that she wants to reel him back home

Amsterdam in the late 17th century was a thriving merchant city that consisted of many migrants. Pieter De Hooch arrived in Amsterdam 1661 and lived in the poorer outskirts of the city. De Hooch's late 17th century paintings have cooler tonalities. With the use of pastel hues, his paintings were not so vibrant as his earlier works that were painted in Delft. De Hooch suffered from mental illness which could have also dictated the way in which he painted.

Pieter De Hooch: A man directing a woman with a letter, Amsterdam, 1670.

Narrative: "A dream like exile in a wedged garden of contradicting senses."